Morten Irgens - EIA Events Speakers

Morten Irgens

Dr. Morten Irgens is Dean of School of Economics, Innovation and Technology and Chief Development Officer at Kristiania University College, Advisor to the Rector at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), and Vice Chair if the Board of Directors of the Confederation og Laboratories of Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe (CLAIRE).

He also serves a board member of Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering (SimulaMet) and the Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium (NORA), both which he initiated and cofounded. He has previously participated in establishing Actenum Corp., Center for Cyber and Information Security, the Housing Laboratory and the Competence Center for Work Inclusion. His background in Artificial Intelligence includes the areas of Constraint Reasoning, and Modern Heuristics.

Speaker Details
  • Position

    Dean, CDO, Oslo Metropolitan University Kristiania University College, CLAIRE